
i can't help it.

But I just love Southern Thunderstorms.


.EFY 2010.

Sadly, EFY has now come and gone as part of my agenda for the Summer.
Time flies by SOOOO fast sometimes, and in this particular time- I hate it.
But my oh my- I know I say this every year, but THIS year has been AMAZING at EFY!
I loved every minute of it and was so sad to see it end.
Here's just a few good reasons why EFY was, yet, another great year:

My team was STELLAR!
And I am not just saying this. They seriously were the best people I could ever ask for to work with for 3 weeks straight! We all got along SO great and each added a little spice to the team, so things always stayed interesting. Everyone was always willing to help out one another and just be wherever they were needed to make sure EFY ran smoothly. AND not to mention our Health Counselors were SO awesome and were always there to help out! I don't know about other sessions, but I've never seen that before! They were SO great and fun to be around!
I honestly don't know how I got so lucky to be a part of such an awesome team. We had a blast together for the 3 weeks- and were sad to see it end so quickly.
We got super close with one another too and became a little family- I love them lots and miss them many. It wouldn't have been the same experience without each and every one of them! I love ya'll :)

My boss right here is incredible.
Kayc Face is one of my best friends and we have worked side by side at EFY for the past 4 years, not to mention that we met at EFY 5 years ago (so EFY is very dear to our hearts)! She has been such an amazing friend and I know the Lord put her in my life for a reason. She has been there to help me during some hard times as well as be there for the good times! I am so blessed to have this woman around in my life!
Kaycie Q. was one of the Field Coordinators this year and I have never seen someone work as hard as she does! She would be up early and late with Ammon all the time to make sure EFY was going to be a great experience for everyone! She did such an AMAZING job this year! It was my first year as a BC and I got nervous, but Kayc was always there to help me along and show me the way even when she was super busy with other things! She is an awesome friend and a great example to me! EFY would never be the same without Sweet Kaycie there right beside me!

My co-workers are the BOMB.COM!
And not to mention, some of the greatest friends ever! I really do get SO lucky every year! I get to work with some of the GREATEST people and create some amazing friendships! They are the strength and excitement that I need during those exhausting weeks.
It's so fun to be able to work with new people as well as the friends I have already known and love. It has been a great experience to work as a BC this year cause I got to know the counselors on a different level. I would go around to different devotionals every day and listen to the counselors teach their youth. These counselors are amazing people. They would always give great lessons that just blew me away. The youth were so lucky to have them as their teachers. You can tell they LOVE the youth and this gospel! What would I do without them?

I get to spend time with ROCKIN Youth for 3 weeks straight!
I LOVE the youth. Obviously, there would be no EFY if they were not here! It's so fun to be able to reunite with some of the greatest kids I know as well as meet new ones each year! These kids continue to amaze me year after year. They strengthen my testimony and say the most incredible things that help me learn and grow! They really know who they are and what they stand for! I love these kids so much!

Clearly, I am the biggest EFY junkie you'll ever meet. I have so much fun while I am there, despite all the exhaustion that comes along with it. But it is SO worth it! It is the best part of my summer and even year. It is such an amazing program and I continue to feel so blessed to be a part of it each year. It is one of the best experiences as I continue to grow in this gospel from the things I learn and the people I meet while I'm there. I can't even describe how strong you can feel the Spirit each week. There is nothing like it.
I love this church and the happiness it brings to me and to others. It's such a blessing to have programs like EFY that can bring us all together; it gives us that extra reminder about why this gospel is so great! I love having the opportunity each summer to serve others and work with the youth.

With that being said...
EFY 2011- can you hurry up and get here? I am your biggest fan.


brother bear!

You are almost a quarter of a century OLD now! holy moly!
But you are still fantastic in every way!

For instance, you are as much of a Braves fan as I am-
You know that family is important and love spending time with us-
You also love your cousins and like to spend time with them when you can-
You are a good older brother and take care of all your siblings-
You love spending time on the lake-
you're a GREAT example to me, clearly as seen below... :)
you are a great friend to others-
you love to play cards-
and last but not least... you are the star child of the fam bam. lucky you!

There are obviously other reasons why you are so great, but thanks for always being there and setting a good example to me and the other kids! Love you Brother Bear! Hope you have a fantastic birthday! :)