I honestly LOVE birthdays and getting to celebrate the life of some incredible people I know!
Today just happens to be the newly married bff, Mrs. Nicole JOHNSON'S (previously known as Nicole Erin Wait, yay for marriage!!) 22nd birthday today! I was just discussing this with her, but who would've guessed last year at her birthday celebration that she would be a married woman by her next birthday?! It's crazy how much can change in a year! That being said, it's been a wonderful year getting to know this girl better. I can't believe we have known each other for a little over a year because I feel like it has been YEARS! She has become one of my best friends and I am SO grateful I have her in my life!
I had the privilege to be roommates with this woman for 3.5 months last Fall (the other .5 she got sick, disappeared, and lived at home for a few weeks. I didn't like that). That meant that we got to spend A LOT of time together. She was such a great roommate to have! I miss having her around the house.

I miss those late nights sitting on my bed on pinterest, watching Modern Fam, or video chatted those friends of ours. (I was up so late with her so many times last semester that I think I go to bed SO early these days now because of it) Sometimes I would walk into my room whether I was coming out of the bathroom, coming from the kitchen, or coming home from something and I'd find Nicole on my bed just waiting for me. I miss those days. But I was glad that I got a few months to experience being roommates with Nicoley Baby Boo. It was a fun run. Thanks for never getting sick of me!
I love that people think we could be sisters because this girl is BEAUTIFUL so I'll take that as a compliment.
But seriously, I feel like we pretty much are sisters. Well I at least like to think that I am part of the Wait fam. I stayed there for a few days both in the Spring and when I came back in the Fall. So basically I'm a part of the fam. I won't go into why I wasn't placed in the family pic at the wedding, but I guess it would've caused drama so I won't be upset. Mark and Kristine call me sister so that's good enough for me! I sure do love that family and love that Nicole let's me pretend I'm a part of it! And speaking of families, she has been SO loving towards mine. She hasn't even met my Mom yet, but she already loves her. And got so excited to finally meet Cody in January, they became instant best friends when they met. I'm glad we both love and accept our crazy families and that they except us in return!
Nicole is such a crack up! She will say or do some the funniest, most random things that will just make me laugh so hard! I don't know where she even comes up with the stuff she says, but it's very entertaining to me. One of the things that will always keep me laughing is when I would go downstairs in the morning to see if she was up only to find her with her shirt over her head, blankets over her head, and ear plugs in. K Seriously, sooooo funny! She is such a fun girl to be around! There is never a dull moment when I'm around this girl!
Nicole is one of the MOST thoughtful people I know. Let me just throw out a few examples: Her and Becks came to pick me up at the Provo airport when I first returned to Provo after a long summer being separated from her, I needed a ride at 6 am to the airport and who volunteered? this girl. and I could not go without mentioning that she made me the most incredible birthday video since I am never around my friends on that special day, she had them send her videos to make into a DVD that I got to watch on my birthday. seriously, one of the GREATEST gifts I have ever gotten. I still watch it so much and am reminded how lucky I am. She also put together a birthday surprise dinner for me once we returned from Winter Break. I was floored. My birthday is hardly ever remembered because I am always home for it and I get back to Utah and move on. But Nicole made my birthday this year a little more special and it meant the WORLD to me. And she hasn't just done things like this for me, but she's been so loving and caring and thoughtful to so many other of her friends. I just feel blessed that I have her in my life.
Nicole is one of the easiest people to spend time with because, going with that whole sista thing, we are very alike. We like the same music, tv shows, TANGLED, Disneyland, could go on a Target run anytime, have the same love for EFY, and who could forget- slurpees, Texas Roadhouse, and a close obsession with Taco Bell. Some people clash when they are with someone who is so alike, but not us. We love spending time together and enjoying things we both know we love.
Nicole accepts me for who I am. My weirdness, craziness, she will understand my Braves obsession as I sit there and cry because we lost and the season was over (yes people, that happened so get over it) every little thing that makes me who I am, ridiculous or not, I'm never afraid to be me when I'm around Nicole. She loves me for who I am and that's what makes me love her too! Those friendships don't come around very often people.
Nicole is up for random, adventurous things. She'll go on a day trip to Vegas just so we can see Celine LIVE and cry our eyes out because it was amazing, she'll go play tennis with me because she knows it's my passion, she will go lay on blankets outside at the park across the street for hours just laughing about nothing, she will go on mini hikes with me and my Daddy-o, and she will even go up to BYU campus in our jammies because we had no internet at our house for a few days. I love these random outings I have with Nicoley.
Nicole loves this gospel and everything it has to offer. I've had so many incredible gospel discussions with her that have helped strengthen me personally and has helped my testimony grow. We talked a little bit over the summer during our busy EFY lives to share our amazing experiences. If only we could've worked together once! And then we were able to take many temple trips together last semester which were always highlights of my week.
I feel so lucky that I was able to be a part of such an important day in her life! Seeing her and Shaun grow over the months, you can just tell that they are SO happy together. It was so exciting to see my best friend glowing the entire day! I am so happy for them. They are perfect for each other. I couldn't have picked anyone better for my Nicole. He makes her so happy and treats her well. I cannot wait to see where life will take them! They are two incredible people who will do some great things!
I love you so much darling dear and I hope it's a fantastic birthday!! Thanks for always being a light in my life!! Happy Happy Birthday Best Friend!
1 comment:
Like I said, crying crying crying. Love you Ash, see you in a few hours :)
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