I've been soooo awful at blogging. And I know that Febrauary is only a few days shorter than all the other months, but I honestly can't believe it is March 1st! It makes me so excited that we are getting closer to the summa summa time! So, without further adieu, here is what happened in my life this month.
Becky Boo had her 24th birthday!
I was lucky enough to watch the Asian lady chase her down at the nail salon because she put on her boots when her toe's weren't dry yet. so classic. And then we went to the Pizza Factory for dinner that night. Yum, yum. I sure do love this girl.
Cyd asked me one day to take the car, card, and girls out of their hands while they were painting the basement one Saturday night. How could I turn down a fun Saturday evening filled with these 4 darling girls?! We first took a trip to McD's for some ice cream and to play in the play place. Then we had to get some groceries for Cyd at Walmart. Just an FYI: 4 little girls, Saturday night, Walmart, Day before the Super Bowl= chaos. Had lots of respect for all those Mama's who deal with that madness on a regular basis. It was crazyyyy!
I'm sorry, but isn't she just the most PRECIOUS thing you have ever seen?! Love this child. She's growing up SO fast!
And just like the old times, we had a Super Bowl Party over at Taylor & Jared's place with all the Georgia friends! It was so fun to be with all of them. It definitely took me back to those younger, less stressful years back at home. Those were some good times.
The next week we had our little freshman gang get together for Sunday dinner. We were sadly missing a few of our friends, but it always is a good time regardless of who comes! I sure will miss them!
Suz and Britt threw a Valentine's Day party, which was a hit of course! It was fun seeing some friends I hardly see these days and just catching up! I miss throwing some epic parties with these ladies last year.
Lucky for me, this lady was my date for Valentine's Day! Shaun had some comedy thing going on that night so lucky me, we hit up our local Costa Vida and had a great time.
That weekend was Presidents Day Weekend. I got the day off from work and headed to beautiful Northern California for the weekend with Kyle and our friend, Jessica. We all went our own ways for the weekend and did our own things with our own people.
I got to meet up and spend the majority of the weekend with Mr. Nick Takis. It was so great to see that face of his again! We drove down the first day I was there to San Jose to meet up with Callie and Brandon for the evening. We walked around Santana Row (nice shops) and hung out at Chili's for a few hours just chatting and catching up. I am SO glad they live a lot closer now than Minnesota. It definitely was too short of a reunion, but I was so glad to see my family!
Also, let's just say I am SUPER upset that my SD card decided to get corrupted and I lost ALL my photos (the 5 I took) except this one from that weekend. 
Otherwise, this is the best I can get from the other pictures (which were taken with this cool vintage door we saw). Every time I think about it I seriously want to cry cause we should all know by now how much I love pictures. So we won't speak of it any more.
I got to reunite with these fabulous ladies for an evening of pizza and music/story telling by the one and only Nick Pond. It was just like old times.
Cam Bam turned 24 last week so we threw him a mini party that evening just chatting and enjoying some cake. And since we take too many "normal" pictures, we decided to spice things up a little bit.
Thanks to Miss B. Dahlin, I have become addicted to this game on my phone.
I got to spend an evening with those fabulous Wait children! and maybe I like to think we are family since I spent a week with them at their house. they love me, promise.
And Tan Face Ross Cat was able to join us that evening as well!
To end this fabulous/short month, we threw Nicole a bridal shower! I actually took a decent amount of pictures at this one and decided I'll dedicate a post to that wonderful, fun evening on a later date.
And Tan Face Ross Cat was able to join us that evening as well!
To end this fabulous/short month, we threw Nicole a bridal shower! I actually took a decent amount of pictures at this one and decided I'll dedicate a post to that wonderful, fun evening on a later date.
It's safe to say that I am happy this month is over. February has definitely had it's up's and down's but I've continually been reminded how blessed and lucky I am to have some wonderful friends surrounding me.
March is up for an exciting month!
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