
random weekend.

 weekends fly by so fast for me... anyone else? 
I feel like a 2 day  break from work just isn't a long enough break for me. But I do what I can to make the most of those weekend days/nights.

First on the Agenda: Snow Tubing. 
I'm the co-chair for the Activity Committee in my ward and decided I wanted to put together something fun where lots of people would come. So, the ward paid for us to take a trip to Soldier Hollow in Midway for snow tubing one night! It was a blast and a really good turn out! Even this great friend, Zack, came with me! We had a fun time jamming to some good music to and from the event, racing down the hills, and ended the night with some doughnuts and milk. Thanks Grocery Store buddy for coming along! 

Second on the Agenda: Birthday Parties

Mr. Parker Hansen right here had a birthdayyyyyy!
So the friends gathered, celebrated, and it was just an all around great time. 
After this party, we went to Ross Cat's house for his birthday celebration! Sadly, no photographs were taken at that event, but that was also a fun time with friends! 
Another weekend was done. They are always great when you surround them with friends!

Also worth noting...
This little girl turned 2 a few weeks back! WHATTTT?! I cannot believe she is 2!
I bought her these cute little shades, which she seemed to like a lot!
Peyton and I made the frosting and decorated these DELICIOUS cupcakes. Seriously, Cyd never fails when it comes to food. It is always so good! And those cupcakes were amazing!
Peyton decided she wanted to take a ride in Saylor's new car, to no surprise she didn't exactly fit. But Peyton will always keep me laughing!
I always love going to visit my family away from home! It's a nice little getaway from Provo some days and they are always so loving and welcoming when I come! 

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