
i'm not the best with words.

 I can't help but feel gratitude tonight to a loving Heavenly Father. Just at the moment when I feel completely helpless, alone, scared, and feel like I can't go on any longer...I am reminded that I have a loving Father in Heaven who cares for me and my happiness. He knows my needs. He knows how I am feeling and just to prove that, he sent me a blessing in disguise tonight to remind me that He cares for me and is watching over me. 

Even if I don't understand exactly why I go through certain things, I KNOW that He would NEVER give me something that I couldn't overcome or something that won't make me a better and stronger woman. I know we are given trials here are earth to be tested and to strengthen us. I know that even in my darkest moments, I can always turn to Him and never feel alone. He will always be by my side.
I can't help but feel so incredibly blessed that I have the Gospel in my life. 

I love my Savior with all my heart.
He is my rock. 
He is my strength. 
And I will hold on to my faith in Him all the days of my life.

"Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love."
-Pres. Uchtdorf 


Katie Smith said...

Beautifully put! :)Love you!

emilymcb said...

Love you Ash!

Unknown said...

bah... perfect. this is JUST what I needed Ash. Love you for this.