
Thankful 4.

Today, I am thankful for the beautiful weather we've been having. (knock on wood)
I'm not a winter girl at all! So this whole snowing, rainy, cold front that's been happening recently, I am not a fan of. The bad weather always determines peoples moods. You can tell that people are much more happier when the weather is warm, at least that is how I am. Not to mention, people actually want to be outside!

And in Provo, the sun is shining today and in the 60's. life is good.
No, it's not like the wonderful summer days i am longing for where we spend them out on the lake, but for November, it's warm and i'll take what i can get!
Anything is better than cold, windy air and snow falling down. As long as I'm not wearing a million layers to keep me warm, or even jackets for that matter, I'm happy.
So keep it up wonderful weather. I'm liking you these days.

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